To paraphrase P.T. Barnum: There's a very good chance that some, or all of the stuff on this site will Piss Off some, or all of ya'll.

Especially the jokes and quotes.

If any of ya'll think ya'll might be offended by something that's on here, then don't open it!

If ya'll have any trouble with this site, or just wanna shoot Old Sparky a line, well then just go ahead and e-mail old Sparky at sparky dot sparkherd over at gmail.


Here's Something to Make Ya'll Thirsty

Eeyore's 51st Annual Birthday Party was 26 April 2014 at Pease Park in Austin, Texas.

Ya'll shoulda gone to Eeyore's 50th Annual Birthday Party, 27 April 2013 at Pease Park in Austin, Texas.

Sparky went to Opening Day of Wurstfest 2012.

The 6th Annual Lake Trash Birthday Bash happened at Hank's and Genet's Conky Tonk on 6 October, 2012!!!

Some of ya'll missed Eeyore's 49th Annual Birthday Party, 28 April 2012 at Pease Park in Austin, Texas.

Sparky dee-bauched at the UT - Kansas Tailgating Activities in Austin Texas, 29 October 2011.

Sparky showed up at Eeyore's 48th Annual Birthday Party, 30 April 2011 at Pease Park in Austin, Texas.

USAF Lt Col Derrek Cossey retired at The Alamo, 12 November 2010.

Sparky watched Ruby Jane and the Boys at Jo's Coffee Shop, 26 September 2010 in Austin, Texas.

Sparky showed up at the UT - UCLA Tailgating Activities in Austin Texas, 25 September 2010.

Sparky attended the UT - Wyoming Tailgating Activities in Austin Texas, 11 September 2010.

Tawana and Brandon got hitched at Seekatz Opera House, 20 August 2010 in New Braunfels, Texas.

Sparky watched Ruby Jane and the Boys at Jo's Coffee Shop, 8 August 2010 in Austin, Texas.

Sparky attended Eeyore's 47th Annual B'day Soiree, 24 April, 2010 in Austin, Texas.

Sparky attended the UT - CO Tailgating Activities in Austin Texas, 10 October 2009.

Sparky also went to the UT - TT Tailgating Activities in Austin Texas, 19 September 2009.

Sparky went to Eeyore's 46th Annual B'day Party, 25 April 2009.

Sparky went to opening night at Wurstfest 2008!!!!

Sparky's friend Snake got him a new ride!

The Startzville TX, VFW Post 8800 hosted a benefit BBQ for Kelly Metz.

Sparky had him some aviation fun during his Turkey Day 2007 Vacation!!!

The 1st Annual Lake Trash Birthday Bash happened at Hank's Conky Tonk on 27 October, 2007!!!

Sparky got him a new bike!!!

Bet ya'll didn't know Sparky usedta play with computers did ya'll?

Sparky Hung Out With Old People in August, 2007.

Sparky went to a squadron reunion in May of 06 - good times were had by most.

Here's some Artsy-Fartsy Pics

Here's some Pics loosely related to what Sparky usedta do fer a livin.

Here's some pics of friends, relatives and various happenings.

Pics from various parties in da hood.

Sparky showed up for opening night at Wurstfest 2004.

Sparky went a-toobin on 5 August 2004.

Sparky went a-toobin agin on Memorial Day Weekend 2005.

Sometimes Sparky commandeers a boat and navigates over to Paradise Cove!

Sparky got fed up last summer with his teeny back porch, so he built The Deck!

Sometimes it just don't pay to drink on The Deck. Ask Pablo!

Here's documentation of Sparky's Welding Adventures.

Other peoples sometimes instigate some of Sparky's Welding Adventures. Check out Brad (skinnyfeats) building a kayak trailer.

There's a New Addition to Sparky's Compound. Be sure to check your shoes.

Sparky took a few pics on the Fourth of July 2004.

A few Amateur Radio Geek Pictures.

Here's some Redneck Stuff

And a few kayakin pics.

Here's some pics from Eeyore's 45th Annual B'day Party, 26 April 2008.

Here's some pics from Eeyore's 44th Annual B'day Party, 28 April 2007.

Here's some pics from Eeyore's 42th Annual B'day Party, 30 April 2005.

Here's some pics from Eeyore's 40th Annual B'day Party, 26 April 2003.

Here's some pics from Eeyore's 38th Annual B'day party, 28 April 2001.

Here's some miscellaneous pics and a couple docs from my summer 2001 project - installing a Ford SVO 351 crate motor in my old Mustang.

Here is Halloween night at Wurstfest 2003.

Here's some Jokes

Here's some cryptic quotes for ya'll to ponder.

Here's some temporary stuff.

These are a few of my favorite links

Oh yeah - Sparky usedta (sorta) play music.

If you ever wondered WTF is a-goin on inside The Brain of Sparky - here's your chance!
Hint: The important part seems to be empty!!!
Brought to you by the fine folks at Brooke Army Medical Center.