The back of The Abode, before Sparky got to diggin.
Sparky has to dig the old-fashioned way - with a post-hole digger. Only trouble is, there's limestone not very far down, so out comes the spud bar.
If the limestone is too big to dig out, Rocky Milwaukee goes to work.
Here's a chunk of limestone that wasn't too big to dig out. Had to borrow a bigger truck to haul it away tho!
Sonotubes and QuickKrete make the footers.
The uphill line of footers. This was in late September, 2003.
And the downhill footers. You can see Sparky's high-tech concrete mixer in the background - it's that orange thingie.
Arnold Schwarzenegger ain't got doodly on anybody who mixes concrete in a wheelbarrow - puts hair on your chest!!!
The first section of uprights and ledgers are up.
You can see Sparky's high-tech-Redneck Transit - a 20 ft piece of conduit and a 4 foot Bubba Level!
And the second section, with the floor joists. Sometime in late October, 2003.
Purty brave owl.
Another pic. About this time, Sparky started gettin a hankerin to actually USE the deck for something... he went and spent mo money. Does that look like $650 and 2900 lbs of wood?
Ah! Perfect place for a lawnchair and a beer!!! Early December, 2003.
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