Subject: Boudreaux & Thiedeau Boudreaux, Thibedeau, and Remy had been going to the Sons of Cajuns Hall meeting as long as there had been a hall. And every month, wouldn't ya know it, they never won a prize in the monthly drawing. That is, until the very last meeting. Thibedeau was the first one of the three to get his name drawn. He won two pounds of spaghetti sauce, four boxes of noodles, and three pounds of Cajun meatballs. Remy had his name drawn next. He got himself round trip tickets to Lafayette, a nights stay at the Red Roof Inn, and a pair of tickets to see Izzy Krazy and the Creole Triplets at a local club. He thought that he had died and gone to heaven. Boudreaux was the last one to have his name drawn, and he won a toilet brush. At the next monthly meeting, they sat down together to check out how they had fared for the past month. Tibby said "Aiiieeee, I had dat pasgetti fo' tree days. It was so good, and my woman didn't have to buy food for dem dere tree days." Remy said "My woman was so happy when I brought home dem tickets. Dat trip to Lafayette was damn nice, we got to ride da Greyhound, and ya know, dey got a built-in outhouse on dat dere bus. And dem Creole Triplets, if I didn't know better, I would swear dey was sisters." Then they turned to Boudreaux and asked him how his prize worked out. Boudreaux looked at them both and says, "Dat dere toilet brush is nice, but I think I'll go back to using dat paper."